Saturday, September 13, 2008

A silent smile...

This morning through the rain, we mourned a lost friend. A man well loved, a husband for many decades over, and father to a daughter who stands before us today as a lovely woman. He was nearly ninety but only known to us for a mere two years. Everyone called him Noisy. Which would make you laugh if you had known him as he rarely said a word. You see, it had grown very difficult for him to hear over the years but from what I understand, he was a man of few words even before his hearing failed him, but he always sat by, content and smiling...Never seeming to feel slighted or lost as the swirl of our patio conversations went on around him though he couldn't really join in much.

He is part of our extended/adopted family of neighbors who are now dear to both of us and he will be greatly missed by many... but through the sorrow of losing someone so cherished there is a spot of light and happiness. When I called the Guitarist to tell him of our friend's passing he said this..."Well, at least now Noisy can hear." After talking to our friends I understand his doctor said the same.

So with that thought in mind, "Bless you, Friend and rest well. Thank you for making those around you smile. We raise one to you and will miss you under the canopy!"



Ashley Smith said...

I am sorry for your lost.

Ashley Smith said...

I am sorry for your lost.