Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Hello out there...FREE STUFF!

I have finally gotten my Etsy shop up and going! Some items are listed on the side bar to your left but go to my shop and check it out.

Now it's time to celebrate so I am offering a give-a-way! I will give a journal of your choice (see the Etsy shop) to a random winner. Just leave a comment telling me which journal you would chose and what you plan to use it for...I will announce a winner on Sunday 11-23.

Also, if you purchase any of my products between now and Thanksgiving eve (11-26-08), enter the word 'Celebrate' in the notes of your order and I will ship your order for free! No postage or handling...just the cost of your items purchased! What a deal.

Happy shopping!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Someone needs to stop the merry-go-round...

How is it that time flies by with such little realization? I just don't get it sometimes...I went shopping yesterday and picked up some Christmas decorations I've been wanting to add to my stash for the past few years and at great prices too! But the point here is how did it get to be 'that time of year' again? Wasn't it just a few months ago we took our trees down? Don't get me wrong, I am very excited this year about the holidays but I just seem to be in some kind of Jetson-ish time warp which sends each year by in a blur of dull memories and fewer marked moments.

The weekend of Thanksgiving I hope to put up the festive decor I have planned in my head...It will surely be the most lovely array of Christmas beauty one crazy 40-something woman can fit into her 1000 sq ft cottage...perhaps I will post some pictures too!

I just have so many tricks up my sleeve, dont' I?

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Thoughts for a Wednesday...

How tired do you have to be from doing all the things which must be done to be too tired to do the things you still need to do? I mean, I'm just wondering.

How did it get to be November 12th (Man, am I old), and I have only purchased exactly one holiday gift...yikes!

I keep telling myself in my head (because I am nuts) that it 'all' will get better and easier...I better not be lying.

Brain dead me.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

During the week I am brilliant...

...but on the weekend, I am more dense than ever. This is when I normally use all my mental capacitites to work on my venture and seem to use up what lttle brain power I have left over from the work week.

I guess it might be time to tell you what it is~

I started a company called 'SchuStrings' a few years ago and due to a move and life change, I took some time off from it but have recently ramped things up again. I design and hand create papergoods ranging from cards to calendars to individual scrapbook pages(or sets), journals and notebooks and other custom items.

I have an Etsy shop too! Come visit...I will be updating it this week!

I will be doing a give away soon too!


Monday, November 10, 2008

I've let you down again...

I suck at this! I cannot seem to get through a weekend with a post per my defense, I had a huge order to complete this weekend which literally took me about 12-14 hours to do and made me a slave to my desk so much that I did not leave the house at all...sad, I know. So that is why I didn't get any posting done...that and the fact that I am crazy.


Friday, November 7, 2008

I am a big, BIG loser!

I missed another day of posting and forgot to submit my picks for our football pool last night...I need a vacation! Or a nanny to make sure my house gets cleaned, my bills get paid on time, my family eats healthy, I don't run out of gas, and my head doesn't explode with all the things swirling around me the past several weeks...UGH!

I am drowning~

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

All I can say is...YES!

I have never been more proud to be an American than I was last night watching the acceptance speech of our new president elect, Mr. Barrack Obama.

And as he said, if anyone doesn't believe this country of ours is a place where dreams come true, then this is your moment. To think that a man who not so long ago would have been denied the right to vote has been chosen by his fellow country men and woman as the one we want to govern our land...WOW!

I am proud of Americas everywhere. I am proud to be one of you. I am proud of our courage and our voice. I am proud we stood up and said we want change...and I am proud that we chose him to take us there.



Tuesday, November 4, 2008

You know what day it is...


ROCK YOUR VOTE!!!!! I did and I feel so patriotic!!!!

We should all help to change this country for ourselves, our families, our friends and the future generations...It is a right we have but more than that it is a PRIVILEGE to chose who governs our country.

Do it.
Feel patriotic.


Monday, November 3, 2008

Day 2 and I blew it!

I am a two of the month and I forgot to post anything! How can I screw up something so easy?!?! I know why-I only have one day each week off and I got up and raked the yard and cleaned up the last of the dead flowers since last week's frost. Then it was on to cleaning the house which my son helped with but still took 2 1/2 hours, even with all 1000 sf of my house. Oh and let's not forget about the 6 loads of laundry and dinner.

It's no wonder I forgot! I was in bed by 8:00.

Go vote tomorrow!

this message approved by schustrings for Obama.

Saturday, November 1, 2008


I am attempting to join all those fellow bloggers and do the post a day challenge this month...Wish me luck!

On other fronts of my life, getting my new venture up and running has gone slower than I had hoped...A major family crisis and honestly, I work so much at my real job, I often do not have the energy to devote to my business like I wish I did. Somethings have changed lately though which I am praying will make things more manageable for me. I will let all of you know as soon as I am off and running!

Here's to day one...