Thursday, November 13, 2008

Someone needs to stop the merry-go-round...

How is it that time flies by with such little realization? I just don't get it sometimes...I went shopping yesterday and picked up some Christmas decorations I've been wanting to add to my stash for the past few years and at great prices too! But the point here is how did it get to be 'that time of year' again? Wasn't it just a few months ago we took our trees down? Don't get me wrong, I am very excited this year about the holidays but I just seem to be in some kind of Jetson-ish time warp which sends each year by in a blur of dull memories and fewer marked moments.

The weekend of Thanksgiving I hope to put up the festive decor I have planned in my head...It will surely be the most lovely array of Christmas beauty one crazy 40-something woman can fit into her 1000 sq ft cottage...perhaps I will post some pictures too!

I just have so many tricks up my sleeve, dont' I?

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